Grade 5 Mathematics Course Details

Building unique learning experiences with the courses mapped to the national standards.

Course Metrics

  • SkillsSkills
  • TutorialsTutorials
  • Video LessonsVideo Lessons
  • Free Response QuestionsFree Response Questions
  • Online practice assessmentsOnline Practice Assessments
  • Off-line Practice SheetsOffline Practice Sheets (print)
  • Math ActivitiesMath Activities
  • Graded AssessmentsGraded Assessments


At Educo Learning Center (ELC), Grade 5 Math focuses on essential topics aligned with the Common Core. Grade 5 Math focuses on developing fluency with fraction addition and subtraction. Students also learn how to divide fractions into whole numbers and multiply fractions by whole numbers. In addition, students extend division to 2-digit divisors, integrate decimal fractions into place value systems, develop a conceptual understanding of operations with decimals, and enhance their fluency with whole numbers and decimals. Lastly, students work on developing their understanding of volume.

The Educo Learning Center Grade 5 Math curriculum offers a comprehensive range of features, including interactive tutorials, unlimited online practice, printable practice sheets or e-workbooks, online assignments and tests, instant feedback with solutions, and detailed progress reports

"I Can" Statements For Math Grade 5


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to Simplify Numeric Expressions

I can use order of operations: Grouping, Exponents, M-D-A-S to simplify numeric expressions


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying Mathematical Model

I can convert statements and sentences to mathematical model


5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying Place Value of a Digit in a Decimal Number

I can find the place value of a digit in a decimal number


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to Read and Write Decimal Numbers

I can read and write decimal numbers


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to Compare two Decimal Numbers

I can compare two decimal numbers


5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to round decimal numbers to any place value

I can round decimal numbers to any place value


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to multiply whole numbers

I can multiply whole numbers


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to divide 4-digit by 2-digit number

I can divide 4-digit whole number by a 2-digit number

5.NBT.A.2, B.7

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to multiply and divide decimal number by a whole number

I can multiply and divide decimal number by a whole number

5.NBT.A.2, B.7

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to multiply and divide two decimal numbers

I can multiply and divide two decimal numbers


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to add and subtract decimal numbers

I can add and subtract decimal numbers like whole numbers, keeping decimal points aligned


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to add and subtract fractions

I can add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators

5.NF.B.3, B.4, B.5, B.6

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to multiply two fractions

I can multiply two fractions including mixed numbers


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to divide fractions

I can divide fractions and can solve real world problems


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to convert measurement units

I can convert measurement units within the same measurement system


5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to make a line plot

I can make a line plot to display information

5.MD.C.3, C.4, C.5

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to volume of 3-D objects

I can find volume of 3-D objects

5.G.A.1, A.2

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to plot ordered pair

I can plot ordered pair

5.G.A.1, A.2

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to find relation between ordered pairs of numbers

I can recognize a pattern and find relation between ordered pairs of numbers

5.G.B3, B.4

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to classify 2-D figures

I can classify 2-D figures based on their properties

Advanced topics covered by Educo Learning Center

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to read and write large numbers

I can read and write large numbers

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to compare large numbers

I can compare large numbers

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to add and subtract Roman numbers

I can read, write, add and subtract Roman numbers

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying to compare and arrange fractions

I can compare and arrange fractions and can identify the pattern in a fraction sequence

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying perimeter of polygons

I can find perimeter of polygons

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying area of polygons

I can find area of polygons

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying number pattern

I can identify and complete a number pattern

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying concept of rotational symmetry

I understand the concept of rotational symmetry

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying concept of translation, reflection and rotation

I understand the concept of translation, reflection and rotation

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying a frequency chart

I can interpret a frequency chart

5 Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying Bar graph, pictograph and line graph

I can create and interpret Bar graph, pictograph and line graph

5th Grade Math I Can Statement Displaying a circle graph

I can interpret a circle graph


The ELC platform integrates well-known children's learning pedagogies with standardaligned courses for grades 1 to 12. It features an easy-to-use workflow for learning, practicing, and assessing student performance
Student features for Learning and Parent features for Monitoring and Support
Diagnostic Test and Analytics img
Measures students' understanding of math knowledge skills beforehand for the current grade. Free with registration
Prerequisites Topics (Chapter 0) img
Review recommended prerequisite topics based on diagnostic test results. Free with registration
Grade level Topics img
Aligned to common core standards, includes all the standards topics With paid subscription
Advanced Topics img
Additional topics for advanced skills With paid subscription
Digital Tutorials & Illustrations img
Interactive step-by-step tutorials with discussions, illustrations, and examples. Also used by teachers in a digital or hybrid classroom. With paid subscription
Online Practice Sheets img
Students get unlimited attempts for practice organized by topics, sections, or chapters. Students get immediate feedback through a solution for all the questions With paid subscription
Download Practice Sheets (Print) img
Download and print a practice sheet for offline practice. You can print without answers, with answers, and with solutions. With paid subscription
Math Activities img
Available for grades 1 to 5 courses With paid subscription
Graded Assessment img
Quizzes and tests at a topic, section, and chapter levels to gauge performance With paid subscription
eWorkbook img
Sold separately and in combination with an ELC subscription. An excellent resource for quick review and additional practice With paid subscription
Analytics and Reports img
Reports & Analytics are available for students & parents
Diagnostic Report
Skills Report
Standards Report
Graded Assessment Score Reports
Time Spent Report
With paid subscription
Student Dashboard img
Provides information on students' activities and performance. Free with registration
Parent Dashboard img
Provides information and support tools to help their child learn and monitor Free with registration
Parent View img
Parents can view the tutorials, practice, and assessments to monitor and support their students Free with registration
Teachers/Tutors Features to help Students Learn Online or in a Classroom
Prerequisites Topics (Chapter 0) img
Review recommended prerequisite topics based on diagnostic test results. Free with registration
Grade level Topics img
Aligned to common core standards, includes all the standards' topics Free with registration
Advanced Topics img
Additional topics for advanced skills Free with registration
Digital Tutorials & Illustrations img
Interactive step-by-step tutorials with discussions, illustrations, and examples. Also used by teachers in a digital or hybrid classroom. Free with registration
Download Practice Sheets (Print) img
Download and print a practice sheet for offline practice. You can print without answers, with answers, and with solutions. Free with registration


Grade 5 Math Printable Workbook including over 3000 Different types of Math Questions

Grade 5

DocumentsNumber of Pages: 139
PrintPrintable Version
$ 9.99 Per Workbook
Buy Online + e-Workbook & Get 30% OFF

Inside the e-Workbook

Simplifying Numeric Expressions (Order of Operations)
Writing and Interpreting Numerical Expressions
Understanding Decimals
Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
Multiplication and Division of Decimals
Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
Fraction Review
Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
Multiplication and Division of Fractions
Unit Conversion
Line Plots
Volume of Rectangular Prism
The Coordinate Plane
Two Dimensional Shapes and Related Terms

Common Core Standards

Black male tutoring a boy with a laptop and text for 5th grade common core math overview on the right
common core math benefits for grade 5 student text displayed

ELC courses cover 100% of skills defined in Common Core Math Standards for 5th grade. In addition to CCSS skills, our 5th grade course covers essential pre-requisites skills from previous grades for review and more advanced skills for students who want to get ahead.

A boy in green sweater with a laptop and text for 5th grade common core math curriculum below
Female tutor teaching a boy looking at laptop and text for common core grade 5 math benefits below

How to read the grade level standards?

Grade 5 Math Domains Summary:

Domains Code Topics
Operations & Algebraic Thinking OA
  • Order of Operations
  • Writing and Interpreting Numerical Expressions
Number & Operations in Base 10 NBT
  • Place Value System
  • Understanding Decimals
  • Multiplication and Division of Whole Numbers
  • Multiplication and Division of Decimals
  • Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Numbers
Number & Operations - Fractions NF
  • Fraction
  • Addition and Subtraction of Fractions
  • Multiplication and Division of Fractions
Measurement and Data MD
  • Unit Conversion
  • Line Plots
  • Geometric Measurement: Volume
Geometry G
  • Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane
  • Two Dimensional Shapes and Related Terms

The following table summarizes what Math domains are covered in K-12 grades:

Domains Code Grades
Counting & Cardinality CC K
Operations & Algebraic Thinking OA K,1,2,3,4,5
Number & Operations in Base 10 NBT K,1,2,3,4,5
NUMBER & Operations - Fractions NF K,1,2,3,4,5
Measurement & Data MD K,1,2,3,4,5
Geometry G K,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Ratio & Proportional Relationships RP 6,7
Number System NS 6,7,8
Expressions & Equations EE 6.7.8
Functions F 8
Statistics & Probability SP 6-7-8,
Number & Quantity HSN 9-12
Algebra HAS 9-12
Functions HSF 9-12
Modeling HSM 9-12
Geometry HSG 9-12
Statistics & Probability HSS 9-12

Click here to discover the comprehensive Common Core State Standards.

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